What do people say?  Testimonials

Daniel was my spiritual direction supervisor when I completed a spiritual director training program at the Chaplaincy Institute. He was knowledgeable, insightful, helpful, and easy to communicate with. I gained much insight, knowledge, perspective, and wisdom from him. I also sometimes participate in the shamanic journeying group he facilitates.​ I often receive unexpected messages, images, and insights during this experience that may come from the divine, or may be from my own brain telling me it's from the divine, but, at any rate, the atmosphere Daniel creates helps make it happen. I have gained much from the experience, in that it has enhanced my creativity and provided me with new perspectives to consider. 
 - Laura R. 

I have found great value in receiving spiritual direction from The Rev. Dr. Daniel Prechtel. He can cover a lot of "spiritual bases" and has accompanied me through many significant life changes. - Patricia T.

Daniel has been my spiritual companion and counselor for the past fifteen years. As I became an Episcopal priest and moved from California to serve parishes in the hills of Eastern Kentucky and the plains of Western Nebraska and then to Eastern Idaho, Daniel helped me to adjust and work through some difficult times. Even now as I am semi-retired, I look to him with confidence that I can deal with anything that comes along.  - Fr. RCM

Daniel has been such a great listener and has shared his wisdom with me in times it really counted. He lifts my spirits with his great sense of humor and helps me be grounded by his warmth and kindness. He is a great teacher of spirituality.  - Eric R.

I am a grateful beneficiary of spiritual direction from Daniel Prechtel over the past couple years. He nurtures a depth to my spiritual growth that has enhanced my contemplative practices.  - Ken L.

Daniel has been joy to work with! He is knowledgeable, empathetic, and kind. Through his guidance, I have been able to improve spiritually and emotionally through shamanic journeying.  - Anonymous 

I am deeply grateful for Rev. Daniel Prechtel's counseling and shamanic journey guidance. 
I have reached deep into the sweet waters of the well inside me where a kind feminine voice invites me to drink the healing nectar.
Ten years' friendship and guidance, yet each moment is brand new, the Eternal enlivening the present with patience and wisdom.  - Richard P.

Rev. Daniel has been my spiritual direction supervisor for the past 2.5 years, and I've attended the online shamanic drumming circle he graciously leads. Daniel helps me bridge my faith of origin and shamanic practice, both of which offer me support in my daily life as a minister and spiritual director. I bring to our sessions and the drumming circle scenarios from life and work, and through journeying, we tune into Spirit and our helping spirits to receive guidance and healing. In this way, our own minds and dare I say egos, drop away as we experience the divine directly. In the discussions that follow the journey, we are able to discern, interpret and test for rightness. I believe strongly that an empathetic and spiritual presence allows for growth that is impossible to do along. I have much gratitude for Daniel, his gifts, and the time I spend with him.  - Rev. Kelly D.

Daniel has facilitated some of the most personally enlightening and incisive experiences of spiritual direction I have ever had. Daniel has made it clear to me that even the most mundane of moments, or severe of crises, is an opportunity to dive deeper, to pray more broadly, and to explore my own inner depth. It all serves to make me a better and more joyful servant to the mission and call I have received.  - RRHJr

A couple of years ago, I contacted Daniel Prechtel after reading a sample of his book 'Soul Journeys' on Christian Spirituality and Shamanism. I presented to him my comments and questions, and he readily proposed that we meet online for a conversation. Since then, I have been receiving from him teachings on core shamanism on a monthly basis. He is a genuinely helpful and caring person, with a great capacity of insight into people. My life has changed in incredible ways since meeting Daniel.  - F.S.